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Isabel's presentation 

Coaching & Counselling /  Transformational Breathing / Energy balancing massage

Coaching & Counselling
A personalized approach in Life Motivations by Isabel Contreras.

A new concept If you want to be happy, healthy, wealthy and wise, why not invest in creating a wonderful new life for yourself?
You are worth it!

As a personal counsellor and coach, Isabel assists people in positive and creative ways to let go of negative beliefs, overcome past and present traumas, and help the client achieve their goals and dreams.

Guidance is given to create more balance in the four areas of life: mind, body, emotion and spirit. In the counselling and coaching process she helps clients to assess the need for change in different areas, and train them in new skills to bring about these changes, with encouragement and inspiration.

Weekly goals are set and referrals are made to resources in the areas that need to be dealt with. Most importantly, guidance is given for solving problems.

Coaching differs from counseling in that there is no in-depth psychological processing or extensive focus on the past. She works with both approaches if requested and/or needed - counselling and coaching - as it is sometimes difficult to separate one from the other. An initial half-hour consultation is free of charge, to identify the client's goals.

From this we can determine whether our work together can be beneficial.

Transformational Breathing



A private transformational breathing session is a gift you give to your body, mind and soul.
It is a powerful healing process as the focus is entirely on the individual, without any outside distraction.
At this moment, it is only YOU who are important!
When you focus your attention on the change you want to make in your life, the healing has already starting working.
After a few sessions you will learn how to master your own breathing and you will have the confidence to do daily breathing techniques on your own.
You will have more energy and enjoy a sense of wellbeing.
Your body, mind and cells will love you and your lymph system will function more efficiently.

Energy balancing massage
Tired, stressed, overworked or simply to relax. We need to be pampered from time to time.
With the fragrance of essential oils, the use of flower essences* in a comfortable and warm atmosphere where there is no stress, you experience well-being through a balancing, relaxing, energizing aromatherapy and magnet therapy massage with soft music playing in the background. It is only you who matters.
You too, needs caring. Your body, mind and emotions will benefit from this therapeutic, healing massage and you will feel rejuvenated.
This is truly a therapeutic massage!

* Flower essences : The purest vibration of nature is present in the blossoms of flowers, trees and other plants. The frequency of these vibrations interacts with the human energy field to harmonise the emotions, calm and clear the mind and bring about a sense of peace and well-being which are necessary prerequisites for good health. Each type of flower holds a special pattern which imparts a particular healing energy.

Back, neck, arms and body pain relieve
Stressed, overworked, pulled muscles and tiredness crates tension.  Get rid of them with Isabel’s special massage.
In a relax environment with the use of essential oils (aromatherapy), magnet therapy, applying Dr. Furter’s method to remove blockages, the discomfort in your body will leave immediately.
Take care of your body, massage is no longer a luxury but a necessity now a days.

This is truly a healing massage!

 Workshops and seminars with Isabel Contreras

For more information and booking : 079 397 91 15 - isabel@lifemotivations.ch

Isabel is the founder and Director of Life Motivations, a centre for Life Management Skills and Wellbeing.
She holds a diploma in Positive Thinking Counselling from the Peiffer Foundation (accredited by the National Council of Psychotherapists, United Kingdom). She is a certified self-development teacher and coach, trained in the USA (Louise Hay method), Transformational Breathing facilitator, NLP practitioner and has Trainers Training certification for top performance, (Italy). Isabel has also trained with top teachers in the field of self-development such as Anthony Robbins, Dr. Deepak Chopra and Brandon Bays, among others.
In her private practice as a counselor, coach and therapist, Isabel also gives Energy balancing massage, using Dr. Further’s method to release pain, Reiki, Flower Essence and currently training in (IQM) INTEGRATIVE QUANTUM MEDICINE.
Isabel has extensive experience conducting seminars and workshops in Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Amsterdam, Reykjavik and Latin America in English, French and Spanish, as well as leading meditation groups.
Her experience with the international community gave her the opportunity to work in a multilingual environment and to enjoy the richness of different backgrounds. She has a wide knowledge of  human relations.
She is a member of the Swiss Coaches Federation, a member of ART (Association Romande de Thérapeutes) and a member of ASCA (Fondation pour la reconnaissance et le développement des thérapies alternatives et complémentaires), which is recognized by certain health insurances.
Isabel inspires you in your search for authenticity.


Life Motivations - Mastering the Art of Living

Chemin du Rivage, 7 - 1292 CHAMBESY - SWITZERLAND   |  
info@lifemotivations.ch    |  Tél 022 774 33 48